I'm back and with another cold to boot. I've actually done pretty well this winter on the cold/sick front. I'm writing today over a nice steamy bowl of taco salad made up of taco leftovers from last night. It's not tasting nearly as good as it did 18 hours ago, but I'm going to make myself eat as much of it as I can. I haven't had much of an appetite since this cold really took hold Friday night. I'm blaming the middle school pool the team swims in that was just infested with middle schooler germs. It was a floating biology project before we jumped in, I'm sure of it!
It's been a pretty eventful winter at the Walzemer's (Walch/Holzemer house). Let me highlight just a few:
- Mr. Fury and I scared my mom into thinking that we actually wrapped up Mr. Fury's deer mount to give to her as a Christmas present for the second year-in-a-row. We scared her with that present last year, which was hilarious. We didn't give it to her again this year for Christmas, but we did hang it up at the cabin over the mantle for a "Just because we love you!" gift. She was so thrilled with the present, she's giving it back.

- Mr. Fury and I are officially gettin' hitched! We're still hammering out the plans, but we've decided on 12/12/09. We're embracing the Minnesota cold and my ensamble will consist of a parka and sorels. I'll be playing the part of the blushing (or frostbit) bride. No horsedrawn carriage here, we're riding in on snowmobiles!
- Mr. Fury said hello to the dirty thirties this past month. We had a huge party at the house to celebrate, and he partied so hard he went to bed before everyone even left. Hey, it was his party, and he slept when he wanted to!
Team in Training started up for the summer season last week, hence why I'm sick from the middle school petri dish/pool. I just need to build up my immune system to middle school strength and then I'll be fine. It's been great to see some familiar faces again as well as a lot of new ones. I'm still trying to recruit another familiar face. You know who you are, Lisa. It should be a fun season. There's a team going out to Sun River, Oregon to participate in the Pacific Crest Weekend Sports Festival to do the 1/2 Iron and Olympic Triathlons. Of course, we're also doing the Life Time Fitness Tri in July. I can't wait!
I'm just getting my summer racing schedule set. Anyone else doing the Gear West Duathlon? I'll be a first-timer at that race, it would be great to see some familiar faces!
Alright, time to trudge through more of this taco salad. Chow!
Good luck with the cold!
CONGRATS on the gettin' hitched!! YAY!!
AND WE'LL SEE YOU AT GEAR WEST!! I think I'm doing that as a team with my bro-in-law! It's fun, but a little hellish. The run is very "cross-country" and the bike is hilly. Go to my blog, look down the sidebar under my 2008 schedule, and click on the Gear West Race Report to see photos and to hear about the course. It was fun! See you there!!
I'll be signing up for the Gear West Du and so are the others in the Iron Crew. It's fun but the run course is more of a trail run with a crappy hill at the end :-P
Okay, so I'm a LITTLE behind here...
BUT CONGRATS TO YOU AND MR. FURY! So now does that make you Ms.R-FURY? Very exciting! :)
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