Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A Rocker and the Chick

Mr. Fury and I went over to my parents' house for the annual Halloween party. Instead of dressing up in the group-type costume that we did last year (Flinstones, meet the Flinstones...), we went in completely opposite directions than each other. Mr. Fury grew out his facial hair and was a rocker, women's pants and all. His brother was in town from Boise, and he wore an identical costume. Can you tell they're brothers?

I had a hard time coming up with a costume. I wanted to make my own, no store bought stuff for me this year. I searched and searched, but nothing really tickled my fancy, until I stumbled upon an idea for an infant costume. Yes, an infant costume. I don't think this thing was meant for people to actually walk around in because the feet were those yellow, rubber gloves you wear when you're using harsh cleaners. I think it turned out pretty well though.

Turns out feather boas keep you very warm. I really don't think I needed the extra long sleeve shirt. When we walked into the house and my mom took a look at Mr. Fury and I, she couldn't stop laughing. Then she looked down at my rubber gloved feet and she started crying. So, I pretty much deem that a Halloween costume success!

My favorite costume was my older brother's, but it's because of the story behind it. I don't know if I told ya'll about this, but my parents were recently in Hawaii. Yes, these are the same parents that volunteered at the World Championships in Kona. Uh, huh, still my parents... So, anyway, while they were there my dad accidentally got pulled over for speeding, and then was asked to do a field sobriety test because Mr. Honesty admitted to having drinks with dinner, and then accidentally tripped on his sandal while "walking the line" and then was purposefully handcuffed and put in the back of the police car, AND THEN brought down to the police station to take a breathalizer AND THEN fingerprinted and had his mug shots taken AFTER he passed the breathalizer. Oh my goodness, I'm out of breath. So, my brother dressed up as his mug shot for Halloween. I now present to you, my father's mug shot and my father:

Yes, those are flip-up sunglasses.

In other news, what's up with this dude? Is he for real?! Cheaters never prosper. Well, that's all for now. Sorry this was completely un-tri related along with most of my previous posts, but sometimes you just need a break. I am thinking about the Winter Carnival 1/2 though. Steve and Borsch, you planted the seed...


Steve Stenzel said...

YES!! The seed has been planted!!

Whoa, Mr. Fury, back off. I just meant I planted the seed for the winter carnival half! Not that I planted MY seed in your wife! Calm down! CALM DOWN!!

Seriously, great costumes. Anyone who dresses up as a chicken is all right by me!

JT said...

OK Rachel that story about your parents and your brother going as your dad's mugshot really got me laughing... Hahahaha, wow.

Jumper 2.0 said...

Ms. R,

Don't use planted and seed around Steve. Nothing good comes out of that;)

Great costumes.